God blessed us amazingly


Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the love of Jesus Christ!


-I thank God every day and every time for His great mercy and love with which He blesses me and my family every moment of our lives. I am thankful to God and brothers and sisters for you that you always pray for us and help us to expand the Kingdom of God in Ukraine. And during this time, quarantine is also thankful to God. He knows why all this is happening in your USA, in Ukraine and around the world. We pray if God's will is to end this Pandemic.

-I thank you for praying for my sons who were in France to work and they returned home safely. The truth was that they were quarantined for 2 weeks at home, this is our law for visitors from abroad.

-I thank God that from May 26 our church is already gathering together in the house of prayer. Oh, how they all missed communicating, worshiping together before the Lord! Both children and young people glorified the Lord with great love. In our village, until no one got sick this virus therefore we were allowed to gather, thank God!

- My wife is 57 years already, and we celebrated her birthday. I thank God for such amazed woman in my life and all our mutual life together.

2. Visits:


-Visited patients at home. Especially brother Victor, who became very ill (not with the COVID virus 19). He was a good brother preaching in our congregation. We prayed together and I comforted him with the Word of God. We believe that the Lord will heal him and help him attend our meetings.

3. Classes with baptism candidates:

-Another 3 lessons and I am finishing classes with 4 young candidates for baptism. We don’t know when we will be baptized this year because of this pandemic. It is advisable to have this summer, but how God will help. We will pray to the Lord that He will help us in this ministry.

4. Prayer needs:

-Pray for peace in Ukraine.

-Pray for the Lord to stop this CAVID 19 pandemic.

-Pray for my family. Thank God that my children are healthy, but David (my son who was in an accident last fall) has problems with the court on the grounds that he is accused of committing an accident. Those who were guilty paid well to the authorities and now he is accused, and even he must pay for the damaged bus Chernivtsi Kharkov. Pray that at least he is not forced to pay, because he is already difficult.

-Pray for our church members and children not to get sick during our fellowship in the house of worship. Of course, we observe sanitary conditions, but let the Lord protect us from all bad. We also pray for you and bless you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Heartfelt greetings from my family.

With love your brother in Christ, Pascar Alex.