Help for poor


I greet you brothers and sisters with the love of Jesus Christ!


-I thank my Lord for his support and help this month. I thank God for the fact that He saved our family from illness, for the fact that he saved our church in Dinivtsi. We pray that the Lord will continue to protect and protect us from all evil.

-I thank God for you brothers and sisters, for the fact that you pray for us and support us financially. May the Lord bless you and give you a hundred blessings!

2.Bread refraction:

Last week, May 3, we made bread-breaking in our church, where I and brother Deacon Peter, performed blessing prayers over bread and a cup of wine, and we served the groups that came to participate in the sacrament. They came in small groups, because of quarantine. And after lunch, we served three patients at home. They were very happy that they had such an opportunity to participate in the sacrament.


I, along with my family, helped one family who live very hard and poorly. They planted a garden with different seeds for them to have later on for food. They praised God and thanked us for this help. Our youth also greatly help our older members. Our believers are very pleased with the youth and always support them in prayers.

4. Prayer needs:

-Join us in prayers, that the Lord have mercy on us all and stop this COVID 19 pandemic, and that God will protect his church in these difficult days.

-Pray for our churches so that they do not chill in the love of Christ in our time. That the church was ready to meet with Jesus Christ.

-Pray for me and my family, that the Lord will continue to protect us, give us health, so that we would work with greater jealousy on His field.

-Pray for the war to end in Ukraine.

And we pray for you, our dear, because we know your difficulties there. You are also in quarantine. May the Lord protect you from all evil and give you health. Greetings from my family.

With love, your brother in Christ, Pascar Alex.