Vacation Bible School


In August we had a blessed ministry. The greatest blessing was the PIEI camp and the American team. God has blessed the children and the time spent at camp. The youth and their parents thank you a lot for the opportunity to be in a Christian camp. 

Our church also organized a VBS, which had on the first days 40 but later grew to 60 children. The kids had Bible lessons, games and contests. The members of our church prepared meals for those kids. We are glad for each child who came to the VBS and continue to pray for them to start to come to Sunday school. 

Pastoral Duties

I visited four sick people and shared Communion with them. Our choir visited two churches in Marshints and Malinesht. The local churches in those villages were encouraged and welcomed us with warmth. 

I and my wife attended the wedding of Angela and Mihai, brother Pavel Petihachny’s children. 


We also had the engagement of our son Slavic, in Cobrino, Belorussia. Their wedding is on September 29 in Chernovtsy. The church in Cobrino Belorussia is very big; it’s about 1500 members and I preached there. 

Thank you for supporting us financially. May the Lord reward your great sacrifice! We pray for you and your families. My family is sending you warm greetings. Be blessed! 

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