Ministering to the Sick

At the beginning of July I visited the sick people of our church and shared with them Communion, encouraged them with the Word of God and prayed with them. I also visited other sick people who are not Christian. I told them that I was very sick before and God healed me. I give them the natural recipe I used in my healing and about Jesus’ love and prayed for them. Most of them promised me to come to church and I pray for them to keep their promise. 

Our choir visited two little churches in our district: Hertsa and Forosna. Our brothers in Christ there rejoiced a lot. Our church helped financially a church that is in the process of building. 

Visitors and Camp

On the last Sunday of the month the American and Romanian PIEI team visited our church. We enjoyed their presence in our church as well the message they brought to us. Our sisters also enjoyed the women’s conference held by them in Novoselitsa.

Eight young people from our church and four from the neighboring village Malinesht attended the PIEI youth camp in Boian. I was very happy to hear that our granddaughter Nadia who is 9 accepted the Lord there. We pray the Lord to keep her safe and in His arms. We are now preparing for VBS that is to be in August.

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