„Tonight we have pizza for dinner!”


No doubt that the most important need of a person is the salvation of the soul. Unfortunately, the most felt needs of a person are those of the body. Our Lord Jesus came to save us but He didn’t neglect the pain and the earthly needs.

Due to the generosity and kindness of some people, we received a lot of pizza to distribute to others.  In a great rush, not to get defrosted, thousands of pizzas were distributed in Teleorman through „The Way of the Lord” church in Alexandria as a part of the partnership with Hope Church in Draganesti Olt. In God’s kindness, in the evening, in many homes the stoves were on and the smell of pizza announced the dinner.

This was also the time when we discoverd something else: while many didn’t have enough space in their freezers to keep the offered pizza, some didn’t have freezers at all and a family didn’t even have a stove where to cook the pizza...

We are grateful that the Lord takes care of our needs! We are grateful He uses us to help fulfill the needs of our fellows!