Let’s start from the very first week


The very first week after holidays. January 5th. Freezing cold outside. People still resting at their homes. The best moment to find them. I called a friend to help me distribute “The Way of the Lord” newspaper. Unfortunately, because of the cold weather and the distance, my friend could not help me this time. I was tempted to give up, but I told myself: ”We want to distribute evangelistic newspapers each week of the new year. So I really have to go today!”

I took my backpack full of almost 200 newspapers and tens of evangelistic calendars, pen and paper to write down some details and off I went. I am so grateful that the Lord was with me and gave me courage to knock at people’s doors. I was so glad to see that some of them recognized me and received joyfully the new number of the newspaper.

Please pray with me:

  • May the Lord grant us courage. We really need the presence of the Holy Spirit to ensure courage and wisdom for this ministry. Sadly, I have to admit that there were times when I took some newspapers but I had no courage nor power to distribute a single one and I came back home with them

  • May those who receive the newspaper receive Christ the Lord of their hearts and lives

  • For perseverance and consistency in distributing newspapers regularly.

Mihail Geabou - PIEI Missionary