Yes, it’s your turn!


For the youth meeting in January 11th, I was apointed to have the message. We have a special material that we follow but because an innapropriate translation it was hard for me to understand the key subject. I was ready to ask somebody to have the message instead of me. I tried to understand what the Lord wanted to say to me almost the whole week and after reading the original message I felt the spirit of the Lord. There was no mistake, the Lord wanted me to have the message about accountability.

A sensitive subject, but I was there, I knew the importance of accountability. It’s true, I had to be vulnerable as there were in my life weaknesses, vices and sins, fights... like in any other’s young man’s life. That’s why I needed mentors and I had to be sincere.

That night, when speaking about those in front of the youth, I felt the presence and the work of the Holy Spirit. Even afterwards, there were testimonies that young people were suprised to hear such a vulnerable person in front of them, speaking honestly about problems that they face but are ashamed of recognizing and talking.

It is not easy to let our weaknesses and sins be known. Satan wants us to hide them and present an image of perfection in front of others. But the Lord wants us to humble and tell others about our defeats and victories in fights. This way, not only that we honour the Name of the Lord, but we also bring encouragement for those who are fighting at the moment. Thus, they understand that the Spirit of the Lord brings victory!