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Meet Pastor Kondi Nyanda

Kondwani George Nyanda is a 2005 graduate of Christ Seminary, a TMAI school in South Africa. In 2006 Kondi returned to his native Malawi as a married man with a family, to bring the true gospel of Jesus Christ to his countrymen. Approximately 80% of Malawi’s 20+ million people claim to be Christian, but most do not know the gospel of the Bible. For six years Kondi and his wife Patricia ministered in an international church in the capital city of Lilongwe. The international church proved to be a difficult place to minister to his own countrymen, so he started meeting with a group of young men in 2012. Two years later that Bible study group organized themselves into Grace Bible Church with Kondi as their teacher and pastor. GBC distinguishes itself through the unapologetic preaching of the whole counsel of God. They accomplish this by preaching verse by verse, chapter by chapter through entire books of the Bible.

The church is reaching out to students on local university campuses, inviting them to worship with the church and ministering to their needs. Kondi has been using his biblical counseling training, learned during his first two years in full-time ministry, to address the needs of people inside and outside of the church. The church has recently been able to purchase land that is permitting them to build a place of worship in a stable location that is more convenient for both church members and the university students that they are reaching out to.

Grace Bible Church is shepherded by Pastor Kondi Nyanda. Kondi is married to Patricia, and they have 3 children: Warren (2004), Karen (2009), and Lauren (2017).

As of fall 2024:

  • Warren is a junior at Master’s University in CA.

  • Karen is a Junior in High School and still living at home.

  • Lauren is in First Grade.