Camp with widows


I congratulate my brothers and sisters in the name of Jesus Christ.

I thank God for you, in my prayers, for your prayers and material help. Be blessed and your families.

By your prayers, with the help of God, I organized the regional conference, on July 9, "Ukraine without orphans". There were the families that had adopted the children and those with a desire took part.

From 17 to 21, they organized a camp for the widows in the Boyans. I had the honor and grace to be at the opening of this camp, with our youth, they sang and I preached. There were 67 widows who were very happy with our arrival.

Prayer needs:

o   July 29, youth camp in Boyana will start, pray for us.

o   August 4 we have a baptism in the Church in Rokitne. One of the baptized is Edgard, who last year received the Lord in the Boyans.

o   5-9 August children's day camp in the village Rokite.

And again, thank you for the fact that you will pray, and God will bless us and you.

Missionary and pastor in the Rokitne village, Kioresku Grigoriy