Power of the invisible work


I congratulate my brothers and sisters in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the central prayer, I mention you, and I thank God for you, for your sacrifice, with which I can do the work of God.

It passed a month already as we had started to organize a massive evangelization in Chernivtsi at the stadiums. I was engaged in the organization of fasting and prayer. Every day a certain Church was in fasting and prayer, and on Sunday 26 May, Organized a three-hour prayer marathon, during the evangelization, each group for half an hour, and so six groups.

I was in the stadium building all the time, and I was in prayer with the groups of brothers and sisters. I did not see anything as evangelism passed, I did not hear anything, but in the end, I saw the result.

Thank God, so many people came to repentance. I am grateful to God for our prayers He has heard, for those whom He brought, and gave repentance. I am very grateful to God for the fact that He used me in this work as invisible but very important.

Prayer needs:

- for new converts.

- for our training for the camp in Boyana, there will be a youth camp.

- for children's day camp in Rokite Village

- for my family for me so that God gave wisdom and strength in service.

Thank you for your prayer and material support. Be blessed

Missionary and pastor in the Rokitne village, Kioresku Grigoriy