Teens Witness To Their Families


With God’s help we lived an amazing month full of blessings, and God’s gratitude surrounded us day by day. I and our family thank God for you, for your prayers that God answers and for the financial support you help us monthly. 

I am so grateful for the youth who accepted the Lord at camp this summer. One teen, whose name is Edgar, had parents who persecuted him after they heard that he became Christian. We praise the Lord that Edgar resisted all persecutions and now he is still in the church. The father of another teenager, Dan, hearing that his son repented, expressed his desire to attend church and become a Christian too,  as only he in their family is nonbeliever. Please, pray for these boys and their families to be saved. 

Vision in Ministry

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Pray for me to have vision in the ministry and guidance from the Lord. We plan to celebrate Thanksgiving in the center of the village. We don’t know exactly how it will be, but we pray for this event and we ask you to join with us in prayer too. 

I thank you once more of being part of my life and working with me in the Gospel field in Ukraine. May the Lord reward you all the sacrifice you do and may His peace be with you! I am glad for you and pray for you. 

Grigory Kioresko