Camp Follow-Up

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Dear brothers and sisters,

First, I greet you with the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! 

Every day I thank the Lord for you, for your support, prayers and everything you do for us. May the Lord reward you! 

With God’s help we lived through the first fall month. It was a difficult month from both sides, spiritual and physical. I worked with the youth who accepted the Lord at the PIEI camp this summer. I tried to encourage them. I bring to your knowledge that Edgar’s parents don’t persecute him anymore. We praise the Lord for this. Please, pray for him and for Dan Statnik to be strong in their faith and to resist the Devil’s attacks.  

Care For the Orphans

On September 30 we celebrated Thanksgiving. We had a blessed service. We raised money and bought all kinds of goods and bought them to the orphanage for disabled children from our region. The kids and the staff enjoyed our visit a lot. The staff asked us if we can bring them potatoes. I told the church members about this problem and we are ready to bring them the potatoes. Please, pray for this important ministry. 

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Please pray for me and my family to stand all the trials that come upon us. Thank you again for everything you do for the ministry in Ukraine. 

May the peace of the Lord be with you! 

Love, Kioresko Grigory