The Goodness of the Father

        First of all I greet you with the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!
        With the help of God and His great Grace, we have spent another month where every day we felt the goodness of the Father. This month we have had a blessed month because God has given us the Grace to proclaim Him  in the Church where I preached 17 sermons and at two funerals where lots of unsaved people could hear the Gospel.  I made ten pastoral visits, of which three were in the hospital, where there I had the Grace to preach the Gospel to unsaved people.  

Confession through Baptism

        In April I met unsaved people and talked to them about the Lord. In the Church, I enjoy the Peace the Lord gives us. We had a baptism at home with a sick brother, and in the very first Sunday of July we are preparing a baptism with 5 people, three of whom don't come from a repentant families, but who will all confess the Lord through baptism. Now we are discipling and praying for them, and please ask that you pray for them too.
        Our leaders are preparing for the children's day camp. Please pray for this ministry.   Pray for me and my family that we could all serve the Lord and minister for Him. May God's peace be with you! 

Love, Kioresko Grigory