Visiting Those in Need

Sincere greetings form Rakitna Ukraine and may the Peace of the Lord be with you! I also greet you with the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus, our peace. 

In March we experienced the great goodness of our Lord. God allowed for me to be sick for two weeks in March. Now praise the Lord that I am better.   On the first week a group from our church visited the drug rehab center in Malinesht, a neighbor village. Our youth sang songs and our ladies prepared a meal for the patients. After the meal they had the opportunity to hear the Gospel.   Also this month I attended a wonderful conference for all the church leaders in Chernovtsy region. We spent a great time with Bible study. 

I visited a brother in Christ at the hospital and a friend of mine. There, in the hospital I had the opportunity to represent Jesus, my Lord.   At church the youth and the children are preparing special programs for the holiday of Resurrection. 

Also in March I visited the families that have recently repented. I spent a valuable time with them, encouraging them, praying for them and answering their questions. 
Our family is getting better now after the illnesses. We are enjoying the peace of our Lord and are serving Him with all our heart. This is your merit too because of prayer and financial support. We pray for you and always thank God for you. 

Love, Kioresko Grigory