Meeting in the Rebcenter

  1. 1. Peace of God to all the brothers and sisters of the RIE mission, how many more days God gives us to live we continue to work to the best of our ability to serve people and God.

    Thank you all for your spiritual and material support, may God bless you.

    2. As always at the beginning of the month we have the remembrance of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, we thank God for uniting us all in Christ through His death by giving us forgiveness of sins.

    Since we have sisters at home who do not have the opportunity to come to the house of prayer, we visit them with communion and have fellowship with them.

    Also this month we had to visit people again in the Rebcenter, we had the opportunity to meet with the pastor of the church from Malinovka, this time there was a new man, some have already left.

    3. We constantly need your prayers, for service in the church, and with whom we meet, we always need new strength and wisdom from above, how to act.

    Please pray for people addicted to alcohol and other things,

    4. Thank you for being able to serve God and the people of this earth and the church together. Thank you and for the financial support, it is felt on your part, bless you from God!

    With love to you Dziadyk Igor