Post-camp meeting

  1. Peace be upon you, dear brothers and sisters, we live and work according to the great grace of God, which gives us more freedom, health, and opportunities. We live in a time when people's fears, doubts, people are sick, but the Word of God is still preached in different ways.

May God bless you all, we always pray for you with joy, knowing that we are united by One God in common service, and I thank you for your support, both prayerfully and financially.

2. I continue to serve the Word in the church. They could also organize a post-camp meeting with children. A few came, but we could see some of the children again and have something in common with them, unfortunately not everyone was able to come.

We plan to meet with them for the Christmas program at the end of the year if it is God's will and the circumstances in which we find ourselves allow us.

3. A prayer request for the children they met so that the word heard grows in them and can change them, as well as so that they can meet again.

4. Thank you for supporting us in prayer, for your spiritual and material service.

May God strengthen you in the service of God and people, we continue to pray for you so that you can be healthy and necessary for God

Your brother and servant Dziadyk Igor