My mom is still in the hospital


Peace be to you brothers and sisters, may the grace of the Lord be with you. Thank you for the cooperation we can do together in the Lord, for what I have to pray for and for whom. May God bless you, strengthen you, heal you physically, so that you may also work for the Name of Jesus Christ, thank you also for your material support.

1. The last two Sundays in June I had to be with my mother in the hospital, to go to her every day. She has bilateral pneumonia, at the moment she will probably be in the hospital for another week, thank God she is getting better. We canceled the service in the house of prayer due to the fact that 13 members of the church had a fever and it so happened that all appeared at the same time for a couple of days and then passed but because there was a suspicion of the virus we stopped meeting because it was very bad. My mother and I thought that we had COVID19, some members of the church took the test and it turned out to be negative, thank God. It was an experience and it was also a privilege to pray for each other and see what God does, allows and so on to test our faith.

2. Prayer requests:

-Please pray for my mother so that if it is God's will to heal and come home.

-for a young unbelieving couple who will sign on July 8, 2020 and will have to pray at their request.

-so that we can meet again in the house of prayer.

3. May God's peace be with you, we pray for you so that we may be in the same spirit no matter where we are, but faithfully serve God in the ministry he has entrusted to us. Thank you very much again for your support, for your prayers for us, for your love for us.

Your employee and brother Igor Dziadyk.