Church is sick


Peace be to you brothers and sisters, may the grace of the Lord be with you, and may the peace of God keep you so that you may live for Christ and serve the church of Christ, I want to thank you for not forgetting us, helping materially and praying for us.

Summer began with the funeral of our brother in Christ, who passed away at the age of 86. I had to conduct a pre-funeral service as well as the funeral itself, and there were unbelievers who could hear the preaching of the gospel, thanking God for helping to conduct this service.


And also there was the engagement of one young unbelieving couple, not everything was as planned, but only a prayer over them is planned for July in the wedding prayer house.

Also on the first Sunday of June, we had the remembrance of the Body of the Lord, there was a service in the house of prayer, and we went from house to house who could not come because of old age and sickness.

I'm sick, and so is my wife, I don't know what the virus is, but tomorrow, Monday, we'll take a test to see if we're sick with the coronavirus because most of our church is weak. The situation is a bit complicated we will hope that the test result it will be negative just some disease that needs to be overcome. Although one sister confirmed that she has COVID19, we want everything to go smoothly because she is pregnant. 3.

Prayer requests:

- that God may preserve the church and help it to go through all the trials to remain faithful

-for me and my family to be healthy and the test showed negative

-for our ministry to be useful to the Lord

May God strengthens you all, be your protection, give you wisdom in all decisions, we pray for you so that we can continue to cooperate for the glory of God, this is a special year in which God wants to be glorified through us.

With respect to you, and with love to your brother and servant Dziadyk Igor