Pastoral conference


1. Peace to you and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, be blessed. Thank you for your financial help, for the prayerful support that we are united by one God in working together and in ministry

2. On the first Sunday of March, as always, we have a bread service at home, but this time we had to visit two sisters widows and one brother in old age. We also began renovating the house of prayer from the outside and had to be with the brothers together for this work. In the second week of March, from 10-13, I was with the Roman-speaking brothers at the Pastoral Conference in Jaremche, where we had good fellowship and faith-building.


On Saturday, March 14, the Pastoral Conference was organized by brother Petykhachniy Paul in the village Nesvoya, who had the honor of serving the brothers and read the letter to Philimon. He showed us an example of apostle Paul's how to reconcile the host with the slave, with Philemon's example of forgiveness, and with Onesimus's repentance, in all this was one of the purposes of this message to show how to do


1. Observation

2. Interpretation

3. Application

I think that for all of us the Brothers of the Shepherds was an instructive meeting. I am very glad that God is using me in his ministry for his glory.

3. I want to thank all of you in the mission, for your support, prayerful support, so that God and you may be especially blessed with His spiritual blessing. Your brother and colleague Dziadyk Igor.