Visiting houses


I congratulate all the brothers and sisters in the Lord with the love of Jesus Christ, for their joint work and service, and thank you for your material blessings or as the apostle Paul calls the grace given to us. To you sincere blessings from our Lord, as well as His wisdom in all spiritual and material work.

This month, the first church service took place to commemorate the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our redemption from this world, as there are some old widows in our church who are unable to attend the service, I, as a Shepherd, and with the deacon of the church, we visited them and they also had the opportunity to attend the Lord's Supper.


Also, at the request of the brother of the Petachachny Paul, I was able to be the second Sunday of the week in the village of Zhilivka in a small church with a bakery, very glad to be able to serve them, to share the Word of God with them, to remember once again how important the Lord's Supper is to us and how responsible we are we must approach the body of the Lord, the church was very pleased with our visit, and very much praised Brother Paul for not leaving them thinking about them.


I also visited with my wife one elderly woman, 79 years old in our village, who is a widow, living alone, presented her with a calendar, also said that a short life is necessary for repentance, to prepare to move from this life to another, for a better one. to hope that he will make the right choice for how much more he lives.

Please support in prayer for your teenage ministry in the church, there is a desire to begin to study with them the book of Jonah, the little prophet of God, to organize and finish and to have a definite result.

Therefore, I thank you again, the whole mission, for your financial support, for your prayers for us, for remembering us, and for being able to work together in God's vineyard together in our common ministry.

Greetings from all the family, wife and daughter.

Sincerely, Igor Dziadyk - Pastor of the church of the village of Kotilevo.