Help for Kherson

Dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI organization, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I praise the Lord for the fact that through His grace and through His mercy to us, we have lived to see half of this year, 2023, the time when we saw the mercy and love of the Lord for us and when He helps us to serve in His Field.

1. Together with our brothers from our church, we have once a week fellowship in prayer and study of the Word of God. Now we are studying the Epistle of the Apostle James, where we study that true faith is the faith that is visible in our deeds. The Epistle of the Apostle James is the mirror where we can analyze the quality of our faith. I am very glad that together with our brothers from the church, brothers from Vanchikivtsi who have recently repented come to these meetings.

2. With brothers and sisters from our church, we were at the funeral in the village of Fagadeu. There is a small church there and they need our help.

3.Our church collected social assistance for the Kherson region, who went through this big flood. We bought food products, drinking water, bread, and 4 brothers took it all by bus to people in Kherson.

4. On the last Sunday of this month, we organized an evangelism in our church, where two pastor brothers from Romania preached. Thank God there was a very blessed evangelism. We pray for those who visited our church that the Word of God sown on this day does not return without the fruit of repentance.

5. Thanksgiving:

-Thank God for giving us the opportunity to preach the gospel Word.

-We thank the Lord that we live in these blessed places where there are no rocket arrivals and we can serve each other with the acquisition.

6. Prayer requests:

-At the beginning of the month of July, we will hold a children's day camp, please pray with us for this service.

-Let's pray especially for our camp organized by the PIEI UKR mission, which will be from July 24 to 29, in Boyany.

-Pray for the team from the USA who will come to us, so that the Lord will protect them and protect them from all evil.

-Pray also for the evangelization that is planned at the beginning of the month of August, for baptism in our church.

We are very grateful to all our US PIEI mission partners for everything you do for us. You are a great blessing and support to us. We love you and pray for you always. We wish to meet with you and to glorify our Lord together. God bless you dear ones!

With love to you, the Gortopan family.