We see the hand of God leading us

Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ. I praise God because in His ministry He takes care of us in a wonderful way.

1. In all church services we see the hand of God leading us.

This month, in the church, we did a study of the Word from 1 Corinthians 15, which speaks of the resurrection of Christ from the dead and the appearance of Christ to his disciples. This chapter explains how they are resurrected and what the significance of Christ's Resurrection is.

-With the brothers from our church, we study the book of James, from the New Testament, which is a mirror for us and in which we can check our spiritual level of our faith. I wish that the members of our church grow spiritually, are useful for the church and useful for people who are looking for God.

2. Together with our church, we held 2 funeral services. These ministries are planned by God. There were many unbelieving people who listened attentively to the Word of the Gospel.

3. Both our brothers and sisters from the church have special days and hours for prayer. The main theme of these prayers is for the war to end and for God to bring us the long-awaited peace in Ukraine.

4. Thanksgiving:

-We are grateful to God that we live in such an area where there are no rocket arrivals and where we can serve other people.

-I constantly thank God and for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, for the fact that although we live in difficult times of crisis, you are a great support and blessing for us both spiritually and financially.

5. Prayer needs:

-Keep praying for our country, for peace in Ukraine.

-Pray also for those people who this month heard the Word of the Gospel at an evangelization or at a funeral.

-Pray for me, because in my ministry, I need wisdom from our Lord.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, brothers and sisters from the USA, for being a great support for us and help in our ministry. And as it is written in the epistle of St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:58. So I say to you: And so, my beloved brothers, be strong, immovable, always prosper in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain before the Lord.

From the side of our family, we wish you great blessings from the Lord and the grace of the Lord be with you. May Jesus our Savior be with you every day and that He may lead you into His truth.

With love, the Gortopan family.