Feast of the Family


Brothers and sisters, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.  I thank the Lord and always pray for you, because you are a great help to us in serving in Ukraine. I praise the Lord, for He hears our prayers and answers them.

On the first Sunday of this month, the brother returned to the Lord through repentance, which was expelled from the church, and this is a great joy and reason for us to glorify the Lord.

On the same day we had Evangelism, the “Feast of the Family” in the restaurant, where there were approximately 16 families who do not know Christ, they were invited by believing families from the church. Our family also participated and we invited 3 families, whom we pray for, that the word of God touches them. We had a very wonderful time, where wonderful psalms sounded, and the word of God was preached, there were very important tips for families.   

In our village, we held two funerals, where the word of God was preached with plenty, and many people who did not know Christ heard the gospel.

Prayer Needs:

1. During this time, many have heard the gospel. We pray that the word sown in them touches their hearts.

2. For believers, so that they behave wisely during this time of the virus, trust the Lord and do not panic.

3. For me, that the Lord will strengthen me in the ministry so that I will give my mouth the right words that will be needed at the moment of need.

Thank you very much, because you pray for us and support us in His service. We wish you oneness with Christ, and prosperity in the work of God. With respect and love, the Gortopan family.