Return of the lost soul


Dear brothers and sisters of PIEI Ukraine, welcome you, peace and love of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. I praise and thank the Lord for helping me work in the field of the gospel.

At the end of this month, I experienced blessed moments, I saw the Lord hear the prayers of the church and give positive answers that bring me joy. The sister, who was expelled from the church, returned and repented before the Lord, this is a great joy and motive for us to glorify the Lord. And also a man repented of whom we prayed for a long time, we thank the Lord that He heard this prayer. He was the only one in the family who had not yet repented. In this family, at first, the son repented, after three years his mother, and after another 3 years, the pope repented. Praise the Lord, for such His work on this family, he united them by himself.

One young family brought their baby for blessing, we prayed throughout the church for this child, and entrusted him into the hands of our Lord. Children prepared an interesting program, and congratulated this family on the birth of a child.

On the last Sunday of February, the youth prepared an interesting program, from the book of the holy letter to the Philippians 4: 4. The theme through which we learned a lot and took a lot for ourselves was: how to rejoice in the Lord.

Prayer Needs:

1. We pray for the fallen, that the Lord will return them to Himself, by His Power.

2. For those who have repented, that the Lord would strengthen them.

3. For me and my family, that the Lord strengthens us in His ministry, and that he protects us from the diseases that are currently operating in the world.

Thank you for the help we have on your part in serving the Lord.

We are very grateful to you for praying with us and supporting us in our ministry. With great love for you, your brother Mihai Gortopan and my whole family.