The Bread of Life

This week the nationals in both Romania and Ukraine came together in an amazing way to work together and supply over 500 refugees being hosted by our Ukrainian missionaries.

PIEI-Romania National Director Timotei Stanea, along with Eugen Stef, Emmanuel Joldos, and Mike Dima, organized a massive shipment of food and supplies to send to Ukraine. One of the things that they discovered is that if they filled their vehicles with flour, the load would actually be too heavy to drive. So, the nationals coordinated with bakers in Romania who volunteered to use some of the flour to make bread the right before they left. This way they could fill any empty space in the vehicles with fresh baked bread to send to the refugees.

The Romanian nationals were met at the Ukrainian border by PIEI-Ukraine National Director Pavel Petihacny and Grigory Kiorescu. From there they all drove together to Noua Sulita, a city that is the most centralized between all the areas served by PIEI, and meet with all the other Ukrainian Nationals as well as some of the refugees.

As they met together, they broke bread and had a meal in recognition of the importance of unity during these troubled times. They also shared their stories and experiences. For example, Valery Popov explained how the government has charged citizens who have not evacuated to sew bullet-proof vests for their soldiers, and showed some of the vests he has already made.

When the meal was over, each Ukrainian National took supplies and bread back to the refugees that they have been working with.

This is just one of many examples of the important work that our missionaries in Romania and Ukraine are doing to help those in need during a time of war. Your prayers and donations have been such a blessing and has made stories like this one possible. However, the work continues to grow as the war spreads to Moldova and other areas.

Please share what you have read so that others can learn about the work we are doing. We are still in need of any donations, prayers, and support that you can provide.

God Bless!

Cornel Stef