About Timotei Stanea


My name is Stinea Timothy Valentin, I was born on 14.01.1966 in Teius, Alba County. I am married to Marilena and in our four kids were born: Mary and Marta (twins), Elisabeth and Timothy. 

Mary is married to Razvan and they have two kids: Matias and Levi; they all serve God.

Marta is married to Ionel and they have three children together: Iona, Samuel and Teodor - they also are a Christian family. 

Elisabeth is married to Costel, they have two children: Ann Ruth and Josuah - a Christian family.

Timothy is sixteen years old and he is still a student. We pray for him to have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus.

I am a pastor in present at the “Holy Trinity” Baptist Christian Church in Victoria, Brasov County. 

I studied at Emanuel University in Oradea and I own a degree in theology – “Pastoral theology” (from 1992 to 1997). 

Through God’s mercy and by God’s grace I added to my studies a master’s degree in practical theology at “TCM International Institute”, from Vienna - Austria in collaboration with Cincinnati Bible Collage & Seminary. I got the master’s degree: “Master of Arts in Practical Ministries.”

Considering the educational preparing a very important and value aspect, I was motivated to accumulate more knowledge and experience in several types of specializations such as: “Resource Management”, “Management", “Entrepreneurship”, “Labor Protection”, “Biblical Counseling” and “ Counseling for drug addicts” 

I consider that a worker in the field of the Gospel has to know the Holy Scriptures and the “making of tents”.

I received the call in God’s work in 1988, which has signification in 2 Timothy 4:2. Since then until today, I am under the authority of these words.

I have a big desire to spread the God’s Word to many people, to help them by doing good and to win people for the Lord Jesus.

 I was involved in mission and in church’s planting, together with other partners from different areas: Fenes (Alba), Cicau (Aiud), Marsa (Sibiu), Agnita (Sibiu), Victoria (Brasov).

Since 1992 I had pastored a few churches like: Victoria, Racovita, Avrig, Marsa, Ramnicul Valcea. I attented and served churches as guarantor pastor for shorter periods of time. These churches had special needs and problems, so I was seeking to bring peace, comfort, advice and encouragement for the smooth running of the work: “Speranta”- Valcea, Avrig, Gura Raului, “Sion” - Sibiu, “Betania” - Jina, “Isus Lumina Lumii” - Fagaras, Abrud, etc.

Between the years 2011 - 2019 I served as president of the Community of Christian Baptist Churches in Sibiu – an association of 137 churches. That period was another “school of the Lord” for me and my ministry.

Currently, I am vice-president of the pastoral department of the “Baptist Community” from Sibiu and I continue my work from the moment He have called me.  

I gladly serve the Lord’s Church in Victoria, trusting in the Lord and in His help… so I will stay strong in all that Lord will allow us to experience together.

As the one who knew what lack meant and experienced it, Lord prepared me for the work with the marginalized poor. So, in the last twenty-five years I sought to be a real support for the needy (poor, orphans, strangers, widows.)

From 2008 until now I’ve been working in collaboration with the “Mission Without Borders (MWB)” in all kinds of programs (canteen for the poor, afterschool, agricultural program, sports, etc.), showing them (beneficiaries) in a practical way God’s love, preaching the gospel.

Since 2016 I have coordinated, in the Baptist Community, a program for the construction of church/chapels for communities of believers which belong to the evangelical cults in Romania.  

Until now eleven acts have been completed, two of them are under building process, another four on our agenda. The program is in partnership between ICM and  the CBCB Sibiu Community (icm.org).

My desire is to be found faithful in what has been entrusted o me I’ve been responsible as the psalmist says: "To transform the valley of lamination into a place full of springs.” I have decided not to be a burden for the church, by understanding its measure, so since 2019 I have chosen to get involved in the area of civil constructions, based on an older qualification, being motivated also to satisfy the needs of my family and my ministry.

Between 2016 - 2020 I was member of the Local Council of Victoria, considering my implication as an aspect of my serving. I offered a biblical model to all those with whomI interacted at the local administration level. Considering that I was a good witness, I was able to write on my poster "Look at the facts".

The whole experience, when I was a local councilor was like a school of God, for me.

 Prayer requests: 

- Wisdom from God for the work to which He was called and still calls me

-Skills in putting His teaching into practice

-Open doors for Gospel, to be able to see them and “to go throw them”

 -Preparing the hearts of many people, in order to receive the gospel and be saved.

-the fullness of the Holy Spirit for me and for the PIE missionaries 

-Power to be able to sacrifice myself for the souls of others

-Power to be able to love much more even when I’m not loved, in this way I will follow the model of Jesus Christ.

I thank the Lord and the PIE missionaries that we can serve together for the glory of God and for many people’s salvation. It is amazing, that in this period, such now, when people get easily upset and give back or quit God’s work, I am blessed with the chance to run, walk…for His Work. 

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Timothy, servant of Jesus Christ.

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  chairperson-Cornel Stef


