Gortopan Mihai, July 2016 Update

I praise and worship the Lord for his wonderful everyday caring and guidance that we felt this month!

In July we had a great holiday at church. Six people shared their faith through the New Testimonial baptism. All six come from unbelievers, so all their relatives were present at the baptism and heard the Word of God. Our choir and youth prepared a special praise and worship program for this occasion. I pray for each person who heard the Gospel may be for the first time, to be transformed by the Holy Spirit. Please join with us in prayer for them, as well for the baptized, as they need our support and encouragement. 

On the second part of July a lot of members of our church were involved in the organization of VBS for children that lasted a week. There were around 50 children who heard the Gospel; many of them came from unsaved families. I am so glad for this wonderful ministry and I pray for all children present at the VBS. 

Thank you wholeheartedly for supporting us and working with us in Ukraine.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Cor. 15:58) 

I wish God’s blessings follow you every day.

Best regards, Mihai Gortopan