Update from Grigory Postusak

This month we plan day camps for children who attend Sunday school. We have some guests, leaders from a mission for children’s outreach, and they will help us in this work. We planned together the time and the program for the camp: it should be at church as well they will have time to go out somewhere. In June we also had a camp for widows at the Christian camp in Boian. I and a group of young people went to that camp and served the Lord by singing and preaching the Gospel. I also shared the Communion to those widows. They were so glad to listen to such a beautiful program of praise and worship, and to hear the Gospel! They relaxed of the everyday problems. 

With several brothers of our church I visited some churches in Ivano-Frankovsk region. We made this trip to Ivano-Frankovsk to visit brothers and sisters from a village named Belie Oslovy, as they needed our visit. I am so glad that our church grew with three people, who accepted the Lord as their Savior. A young man, whose name is Vadim, cried a lot when he repented, and asked the Lord to forgive him for not accepting the Lord for so long. He also prayed for his father who is unsaved, to repent. We pray for this family.

In addition this month I visited some members of our church who needed counseling. As summer is the time of weddings, I often give counseling to young couples who are getting married this summer. I pray for these couples to be protected by our Lord from temptations and sin. I also pray the Lord to give them wisdom and His love Agape because the Evil doesn’t sleep and wants to break young families. 

Best regards, Postusak Grigory