The Almighty Hand- Grigory Kioresko

First of all I greet you with the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! This month we felt the Almighty Hand of our Lord and His love in the ministry and in our lives. I thank the Lord for a young girl who repented this month and who started to attend discipleship lessons too. If it will be God’s will then we’ll have 5 people to be baptized. We pray for this holiday of our church that will be on August 7th. 

I have a great joy to share with you. My son Benjamin preached at the both outputs in the centre of the towns and he wasn’t shy. He was full of courage. I pray and please, pray with me for the ministry in Ukraine. I see God’s wonderful work in our family. We feel His presence among us and always put Him first. And this is wonderful. Even though God allows us to pass though trials and problems and sometimes lack of money, with God everything is wonderful, he is everything for us. 

With lots of love, the Kioresko’s family