September Update- Valery Popov

By God’s grace I had the opportunity to be used by God again this month. Besides preaching weekly in the local church I was involved in a week outreach in Sumy province, Ohtarka city. I went there with a brother from Brasov, Romania. We preached to everybody, believers and unbelievers. We are glad that a lot of people repented and asked Jesus to enter their lives as their Savior. Also there we visited a nursing home, where 14 people prayed and asked Jesus to become their Savior. A man who has been using drugs for 20 years, decided to go to a rehab center in Kharkov, after our talk. We pray for him. 

We also had several outputs in our town, Novoselitsa, preaching the passers by the Gospel and giving them New Testaments. We pray for all people who live in Novoselitsa to know Jesus and repent. 

Thank you for everything you do for us. May the Lord bless your sacrifice! Be blessed.

Best regards, Popov Valery