August Update- Grigory Kioresko

By God’s Grace we lived one more month in which we experienced wonderful moments with our Lord. In PIEI camp in Boian two teenagers from Rakitna accepted the Lord. The girl’s name is Julia and the boy’s name is Daniel. They both are 15. They came to our church after camp and our church prayed for them and we are happy to have them with us. 

At VBS in Rakitna there were regularly 120 children every day during 5 days. Three days the children met by the village pool and 2 days they came to our church. Eighty of 120 children were from unsaved families. We pray for them and invited them to Sunday school. In September Sunday school is starting after summer holidays, and we pray God to touch those little hearts. 

We had a baptism at church where three young people confessed their faith in Jesus Christ through the water of baptism. There were 18 unsaved people at the holiday and among brothers who blessed the young people we invited brother Pavel Petihachny. We pray for those who heard the Gospel to be touched in their hearts, as well for those who were baptized to be strengthened in their faith. I also thank the Lord for my children who were seriously involved in the PIEI camp in Boian as well in the VBS in our village.  Please, join with us in prayer for ministry in Rakitna. 

Love, Kioresko’s family