August Update- Gortopan Mihai

I praise and worship God for He cares in a wonderful way about His work.  This month we had three weddings at our church. They were a great opportunity to evangelize the unsaved relatives and friends of the groom and bride. I pray for everybody who heard the Gospel. One of the weddings was of my son, Sergey and his bride Rosalinda. We are glad for Sergey and Rosalinda who decided to start a new family with Jesus Christ. We pray for them to have God’s guidance and blessings during their family life. 

 Thank you for working with us. We are grateful to you as only by your help we can do the ministry in Ukraine. We pray for you. During all this month I and our church have been praying for sister Marilyn. She always took part in the camp ministry and we love her very much. We entrust her in God’s almighty hands as only He is in control of everything.

Best wishes, Gortopan Mihai