Dear PIEI brothers and sisters in the USA,
My missionary work during the past year included:
• Classes that began with 24 students and have multiplied to over 130
• I preached at several evangelisms, including one at the stadium in Novoselitsa, where 6000 people attended and after which 17 accepted the Lord.
• I organized the PIE camp in August, where I taught the book of Revelation to 125 young people and after which 15 of them accepted the Lord.
• I coordinated 10 small groups of bible study. There are 280 students in total. •I taught several studies on the book of Acts and the Gospel of John.
We regularly organize district youth meetings where the youth study the Bible and plan their ministry in local churches. Over 100 young people come to these meet- ings. I was present at a 16
year old young girl’s repentance at one of these meetings that was in Mamaliga church.
My family and all the PIE missionaries Ukraine wish you a Happy New Year with the Lord, and may His blessings over- flow on you, your families, your churches and your country.
With lots of love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny