A Journey of Salvation and Loss

We greet you with much grace and peace from God, our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!

The individuals you see in this photograph are Sister Lenuța and Brother Iulian. Unfortunately, Brother Iulian is no longer with us. Two and a half months ago, he caught a severe cold and had to urgently go to the hospital in Caracal. After medical tests, doctors discovered that he had a lung infection and was sent to Bucharest for further analysis. Following the tests in Bucharest, doctors found that his right lung was destroyed and that he had lung cancer. We visited him several times in the hospital and made him aware that if he were to leave this earth, he was not reconciled with God yet. 

We asked him: where do you think you will end up? His answer was, in hell. We told him that he still had the opportunity to reconcile with God, to recognize his sins, and to ask for forgiveness. I was glad to hear that he desired this, and through prayer, he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

A few days ago, he went to heaven, leaving behind a grieving wife and a 36-year-old disabled son who needs care. Even though the parting from a loved one leaves behind a huge void and much pain, there is still immense joy, and it comes from the fact that the one who until yesterday was a sinner is today a forgiven man, a person who has changed direction by choosing heaven.

We thank all those who will sacrifice their time to read this letter and to pray for us and the Mission Work here!

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Romania Missionary