From Generation To Generation

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ!

Through God's grace this week I went out with Deborah and Emima, my younger daughters, for the purpose of evangelism. I thank God that these little girls find pleasure in going anywhere with me, and in this way we spent time together.

Preaching the gospel to a group of young people, one of them was amazed by the respectful way Deborah and Emima addressed me. He asked me who was responsible for the education of my children. He remained amazed to hear that my children learned from observing how Alina and I respectfully speak to each other as husband and wife.

Our children have learned indirectly through the way we address each other. I used this example to show these young people that you become educated from the one you love and imitate. Then I had the opportunity to tell them that I wasn't always like this, but that one day I met the most educated man who ever lived on earth. From that moment I wanted to live like Him, learning from Him.

I am glad the education I have received from the Lord Jesus Christ can also pass to my children. I am glad my children’s respectful speech affects the hearts of those who hear them. In the future may God make my children people dedicated to His work. Thank you for your prayer support and I invite you to pray with us for the mission work in the town of Beciu.

Pray for us as a family. May God continue to give us wisdom and skill in how to behave as Christians first in the family and also in the society in which God has put us.

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Romania Missionary