Do Not Fear For God Is With You

There are moments in life when our minds are full with all kinds of fears. If we let them stay there for a while, those fears will start to take control of our minds. In February it was like evil waging war against us.

There were a series of unwanted things that happened: a car accident, my mother's surgery, and the excessive cost more than 2500 euros for analysis and surgery. The incompetence of the doctors and also caused so much anxiety for my wife.

Alina was pregnant and every time she went for tests, she was told she was in her thirty-eighth week. At the last test they told her that the baby was ready to be born, sent her to take a PCR test, and then come in for her surgery. After three days the test results were negative, but she went to the clinic to give birth as they told her. Eventually other tests found that she had to wait at least a week because the baby was not ready yet. All these mistakes caused Alina anxiety and fear. This was not her first cesarean but the fifth, and there were absolutely no problems with the previous four. Fear began to nest in my mind, too, but I remembered that I have a God who has every situation in control.

It was as if God said to me ”Fear nothing, for I am with you.” With these words I went to my wife and reminded her that we were not alone. God has been with us every time: He has not left us prey to wickness. Even though the surgery was difficult and it lasted three hours, by the grace of God everything went well Our little girl was born and her name is Alina.

As I write to you now I have my Bible open to Isaiah 43:2

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will shall not sweep over overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not burned. Nor shall flame scorch you."

We have a wonderful God. He can make things we often see impossible become possible. God casts fear away. 

We would like to thank all those who have prayed for us, in the situation we have been through, as well as all those who have helped us financially. 

God bless you and reward you!

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Romaia Missionary