Young man in the role of parents

This boy's name is Florin and is twenty years old, his father died when he was ten years old. In total there are five brothers, three boys and two girls. After their father's death, her mother tried to rebuild her life and eventually found a man for whom she left her children. 

Thus they remained to take care of each other, but not long after the two sisters also left and Florin remained to take care of the two younger brothers. It is not easy for a twenty-year-old to do what Florin does. Now he must be the parent for Lucian and Ionut. He wakes up in the morning to prepare the little ones for school, he's the one who washes them, he's the one who prepares their daily meals and he's the one who has to work to give his brothers strictly what they need.

It's a sad story and it would be too much to tell about the situation of the three brothers. As much as we can, we'll try to help but our greatest wish is that Florin, Lucian and Ionut know who is the Father of the orphans, who can offer them much more than anyone else.

Once again we need your support and invite you to pray along with us for this young man and his two brothers. God bless you and reward you for everything you do! 

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Romania Missionary