A Glimmer of Hope in the Eyes of an Old Man!

One day while distributing food to poor families, I met Pandele on the street. He was going to buy bread from the store. I stopped to speak with him as he seemed dejected and walked with a slow pace. I thanked God for this old man who radiated joy when I offered him a bag of food. He told me that he did not have enough money to buy necessary food from one month to the next. This bag of food was very important to him. I asked him if I could visit him from time to time, and he agreed.

A week later I visited Pandele in his home. He was very happy to see me again, and I was able to offer him more help. He lives in a house where it is almost raining in because of an old, deteriorated roof and whose ceiling and walls are ready to collaspe. I honestly do not know how long the house will last if someone does not come to his aid.

It is a great joy that I can be helpful to him. He appreciates and rejoices when he sees me. Pray that I may be able to offer more than just social assistance. Pray that I can help him realise that he needs salvation. May the Lord be glorified in all things!

Be blessed!

Florin Sfetcu – PIEI Missionary

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