At the beginning of this year, at the suggestion of our sister Florina Darvel, together with several missionary brothers from the PIEI organization, we considered that it would be good for us to help each other in terms of mission work. The first activity of this kind took place in Beciu community, and we thank God for surprising us once again with His wonderful way of working. Considering that it is still winter, we did not expect to meet such a large number of people. I was glad that the brothers who helped us in the ministry were encouraged by the way the whole activity went, and by the open people they met to preach the gospel to them. During this time of talking to people and preaching the gospel, there were three women to whom God touched their hearts and who surrendered their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.


We are pleased that God has confirmed to us through the way He has worked that teamwork is very important. We pray for the next activity of this kind, for our unity and for the wisdom and skill in knowing how to approach people with whom we will come into contact from now on.

I know we support each other in prayer and I want to thank you for everything you do for us.

Be blessed!

Florin Sfetcu, PIEI-Romania Missionary