We have been blessed by God, and we in turn want to give away what we have received!


This woman's name is Ioana. She is grandmother of nine grandchildren. One day some of her grandchildren came to buy tomatoes from us. I was amazed to see her holding a five lei banknote she handed me for the tomatoes she wanted to buy. I thought: these people live on child allowance and social assistance; they are quite poor and yet they never come to ask for something without paying for it. At the same time I thought about myself: I only have four children, not nine children and yet it’s difficult for us to manage from one month to the next. We make sacrifices, serving in the mission, and cultivating the land with vegetables, melons etc. so that we can cover all our necessary expenses. My heart does not allow me to take money from people like Ioana. On the contrary, I readily help them however I can. They came to buy 4.5 pounds of tomatoes and went home happy because we did not take their money. However, they received more than they expected. Leaving for home everyone had their own bag: one left with potatoes, another with melons, another with tomatoes, and another with bell peppers.


We thank God for blessing us so that we can also give to others from what we have received. God bless you and we know you are praying for us. We remember times when we had no support and the way you got involved.

May God bless and reward you!

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Missionary