
When you are healthy and all is well, you are the happiest. I thank God for not being in a hospital until I was 44. Until then I hadn’t experienced surgery, serious illness, etc. But I have been fighting a terrible cold for about five days now. I have a fever, chills, dizziness, and coughing and feeling that my lungs are ruptured. So far I haven’t taken any medicines and I hope to heal without them. We really need your prayers, and we thank all those who pray for us.

We thank God for the wonderful way He works in these places. This month I had the joy of sharing the Gospel with several people, but one of them was reached more deeply than others. Shame is great obstacle for people here to repent: the shame by neighbors, relatives, family, etc. Many people, though they received the Word, don’t come to church meetings for this reason.

We know that we are CHILDREN of an Almighty Father, not slaves of the evil one. Our Almighty Father in heaven can break any chain of shame.

Please continue to support us in your prayers, and God bless you!

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Missionary