God does not disappoint

“It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. “ (Psalm 118:8)


One day when we go out on the streets to evangelize people, I met Lenuta. She is a 51-year-old woman, married to Iulică. During these years, they have experienced a lot of disappointment from their friends, relatives and even colleagues.
Iulică worked in an agricultural association in Beciu for ten years and during that time had to endure all sorts of accusations and dissatisfaction from his boss. One day, In August 2018, he was told he had not worked enough, although he started working at 7am to 10pm. Under these circumstances, his boss had the callousness to claim that he had not worked enough.

Getting to work 15-16 hours a day and then the boss is telling you that you have not worked enough is not normal! After that, in August 2018, he gave up working on the association and began looking for another job.
He went to work on a construction site, 170 km away from the house, but here, same problem. After 3 months of work he received the salary for only one month, the boss telling him that he did not have enough money to pay in full. Iulică gave up work until he will be paid for these months, but the time passed and the money he was supposed to receive did not came to him.


His wife, Lenuta takes care of the house, se is a housewife and so I had the opportunity to meet her and build a friendly relationship with them both. We talked about the One who did not disappoint anyone, and even paid our debts - to all of us.
We were glad to see how after we talked, after a period of time, Lenuta, Iulică's wife received the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of her life. Now, after 4 months, she is a happy woman, even if there are enough shortcomings. She doesn’t believe that she would ever escape the nasty language she had before accepting the Lord Jesus as a personal savior.
Now she says about God the following thing:
"God doesn’t disappointed me and i think that He doesn’t disappoint anyone, ever” .

Prayer Requests

  • We pray for her husband to know the Lord Jesus Christ and accept him as Lord and Savior of his life!

  • We pray for a job, where it is accepted and appreciated for its effort!

Thank you for praying!
God bless you!

Florin Stefcu - PIEI Missionary