From Darkness to Light

Meet Costel, a man who once had a normal life like any other person. However, eleven years ago he committed a crime that cost him his freedom and landed him in prison where he spent eleven years of his life. Today he is a free man, but the time in prison took a toll on him physically, mentally, and socially. He has a poor eye sight, he developed heart problems, and often has migraine headaches.


The good news is that in the penitentiary he met people that spoke about the SAVIOR that can wipe away all our sin. Every time he was around these Christian people he felt accepted by them and was drawn by the peace that they had, a peace that was above everything else in the whole world. By being with them he felt a bit of that peace also. After he was released from prison I got to know him a little bit and I am hoping that this will be a beginning of new relationship toward a relationship much greater than the one with me, a personal relationship with Christ.

12 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

Pray that God will bring His light into his life and become a light in his village to others, and even heal him physically.

Pray that we as a family, my wife Alina and I, are the light for the people around us. I know that He sent us here to make a difference in the life of others so they can come to a relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ.

With Love

Florin and Alina Sfetcu