Reflections and Gratitude in Ministry

With God's help, we find ourselves in June, when summer has fully arrived. As always, it is difficult for me to describe in detail all my ministry work. The most important thing is that the Lord Jesus is present every day in our lives. When I describe anything, we must understand that it is not my merit but exclusively God's.

As I mentioned in previous updates, I have a daily schedule, but I have noticed that it varies from one village to another, from one gathering to another. There are also horizontal problems, which I believe exist in all churches, specifically (Brotherly Relationship), and this is because we do not look to the Lord Jesus.

I can also share a joy in the village of Berindesti Corbeni, where I have worked for years. We celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of this church. Since 1976, when my wife and I returned from Pitești to Corbeni, there were only two churches in the Valea Argeșului area, one in Oiești and one in Corbeni-Berindesti. Now, nine more evangelical churches have appeared. This is due to God's Grace.

Currently, we are involved in making disciples from several Christian gatherings in the surrounding villages. Disciple-making has a history. Brother Cornel Ștef from the States always asked when he came to Romania, "WHERE ARE MY DISCIPLES?" So for a year and a half, every Thursday, we gather at the Church in Oiești and go through the courses brought by the national director, Timotei, who is a mature brother concerned with our spiritual growth. He has facilitated a Zoom meeting every Monday evening with brothers from Alege Viata. I can only say, What a Great God we have!

I would like to mention that at the 100th-anniversary celebration of the Church in Corbeni Berindesti, about 200 people from the locality and beyond attended. A tent was set up to accommodate us all. A choir came from Bucharest, and the gospel was proclaimed! I had the opportunity to say a few words as well. We pray that the Lord Jesus will work in the hearts of those who heard His Word.

I will stop here, not before testifying that you are all in my prayers those who help me both spiritually and materially. I would like to mention the PIEI committee in Romania and the USA, Brother Timotei, who has a large volume of work, Brother Jenu, who has a big heart for all missionaries, Brother Mike and his wife, who always spoil us with their service whenever we gather in Alba Iulia, Brother Cornel and Gabi Ștef, who underwent surgery— the girls at the orphanage are more aware than I am of how Sister Gabi feels, and I am happy when they tell me about Sister Gabi as their mother. Sister Rodica and Brother Alex are like parents to the missionaries; they have often sent me and my wife medicine from the States. For the family of Ed and Dydi, whom we have known for a long time, I pray for all of them with joy for their health in both body and soul. For the family of Matei Scheau and Sister Naomi, whom we have known for a long time and cannot forget. Sister Mărioara Barac, who works hard sending me packages for the ministry—may the Lord Jesus bless her and her daughter, Gabi Grama.

I would conclude with a verse that has done me much good: Matthew 28:20 "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Amen!

In God's Grace

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary