Since this is the first update this year, it is appropriate to begin by expressing gratitude for the assistance of the Lord Jesus thus far. We do not know what the Lord Jesus has in store for us this year, but perhaps this year His promise, "I am coming soon," will be fulfilled, or we may be moved; in any case, we should be ready. Let us also say, "The Spirit and the Bride say, 'Come!'" Revelation 22:17. I would like this update to be brief and to convey something other than my weak words, namely, "The work to which I have been called and which I believe accompanies me according to His promise. By His grace, I have a mission every day. Monday was considered my day off, but for some time now I have decided to reserve it for visits. First, I pray, and then I visit a family, usually those who do not attend church, with the sole purpose of sowing the good seed of God's Word.
We have a program at the Oiesti Christian Church on Tuesdays for prayer and Bible study. We have been going through the Bible from Genesis, and now we are studying Leviticus.
On Wednesdays, we have a program in the Romani village of Valea Uiasca. I particularly enjoy it here because more children come, and we emphasize memorizing verses.
On Thursdays, we have a program in Satu Rotunda from 2:30 to 4:00, and then we move to Oiesti for the Discipleship Training School, where we are at step 7. I mentioned that it has been one year since we started.
On Fridays, we have a program with the girls from the Orphanage.
Whenever I do missions, I have this appeal: "How to have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus." John 15:5 "Apart from Me you can do nothing."
On Saturdays, various fraternal fellowship meetings take place in different locations.
Sundays are the busiest day because I have to be in two places, one in the morning and one in the evening, but I do all this with joy and hope that at the Rewarding, we will rejoice together with all who have worked with me for the advancement of His Kingdom.
And because both of you and I want to write to you in the order you are listed on the prayer list: The PIEI Committee in Romania and the USA. Regarding the entire Committee, when I mention you before the Throne of Grace, my heart is more connected to you, because since we met, you have not left me. And you have helped me in the mission all this time. Along with you, I cannot forget our wonderful sponsors: the ED and Didy family, the Matei Scheau and Naomi family, and Sister Mărioara Barac. I had the opportunity to speak on the phone with their daughter (Gabi), which brought me great joy. I am convinced that more is involved in this partnership service, but the Lord Jesus knows them, and in due time, they will all be rewarded.
I would like to mention one more thing before concluding this update; My wife is feeling better, eating well, and gaining weight. I mention this because I know you are praying for her. I conclude with a verse that has greatly encouraged me: Hebrews 12:2 " Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God..") In the Grace of God,
Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary