April 28th I celebrated 50 years of marriage. Brothers and sisters from church prepared a surprise for my wife and me.
Today I moved on to the second course named ”Christian Adventure” with the group of girls from the orphanage. In the villages I'm most concerned with making disciples. I have noticed my work is easier and also more effective. In the past in some villages people gathered only if I was there. Now they are gathering themselves. I made them aware of God's promise: "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20)
Recently, I received a call from my former boss at work. He asked me to come to his house and give him a treatment every day for 10 days at 9 A.M. (In the army I was a medical officer). I prayed and told him that I agreed, but every morning I will do Bible study for an hour with him. This was an opportunity and in the end he received the Lord Jesus in his heart. He continued his biblical study with his wife, and when they didn't understand they called me. Isn't this an opportunity to praise God and rejoice?
In Rotunda village we gave food to 22 poor families; this is an opportunity to show that we care about them. We continue to pray for each one until the Lord Jesus comes.
I conclude with a Bible verse: ”In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” (Luke 24:5)
He is risen! We pray for the PIEI Committee in the USA and Romania, more specifically for: Gabi and Cornel Stef, Rodica and Alex Popa, brother Timotei and brother Jenu. We do not forget our wonderful sponsors: Ed and Diana, the Matthew Scheanu family, sister Naomi, and sister Barac.
Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary