Cast Your Cares on Him

I have come to consider it a great grace that every month I can write this information, being aware of having a liver transplant I take immuno-suppressants daily.

I have many reasons to be thankful this month. I had to go to Fundeni hospital for tests and for the medical letter to get the prescription of drugs I have to take all my life. Liver tests came out very good even if now I I face a disease [shingles] However, I know that the Lord Jesus is in control of the mission I can't give up. When I know I'm expected and I know what love I'm surrounded by, I can't stay home.


Every week I go to three villages, namely Rotunda, Valea Dumiresti, and Tigveni from where orphanage children come. Every Sunday afternoon I go to the city to the free evangelical church for the program we have. Everywhere I go I suggested one thing to people: “What did I bring to the Lord during this year?”

Wherever I go with the Gospel I cannot be insensitive to needs, whether medicine, food or a good word. I try to do all under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. With the girls from the orphanage I talk almost daily and when necessary by phone. I would not like to say this in order to bring praise to myself. I have always considered myself an unworthy slave who tries to do the right thing, namely to bring as many souls as possible to the Lord Jesus Christ so that I do not go empty-handed in this regard.

I would like to make a supplication, that all my partners who help me either through prayer or financial support to win souls be rewarded on the day of reward. I would like to mention the PIE Committee in the United States that connects us and the sponsors we have. We also pray for the family of Ed and Didi to be blessed with health, both her and the business that has supported me for a long time, Sister Marioara Barac, the family of Scheau Matei and sister Naomi, etc.

I would end with a verse that has done me much good:


By the grace of God,

Traian Chilau - PIEI Missionary