O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. - Psalm 139:1-2
Because we are in the first month of this year it is nice to be thankful to God that we have been under His protection all year that passed.
Although there is much to be said for this month, I just want to share with you a few stories of how God is working in our area.
I would like to recall that in the village of Valea-Dumirei there is a family, Ovidiu and Nicoleta they have two girls, but they didn’t have a wedding ceremony. I talked with them both and God convinced them that it's not good to stay that way.
I was pleasantly surprised to be announced that Saturday, January 19, 2019, they decided to go to the town hall to get married. I can say it was a great joy for me to see how God through His word and His Spirit worked in their hearts.
Another joy for me was the visit of Daniel Davidescu from Oltenia sent by Raul Costea & Cornel Stef, he helped me with my missionary profile presentation for PIEI website, we also serv together at Church in Curtea de Arges, in Valea-Dumiresti & Rotunda villages and at the Tigveni Orphanage. We also made home visits to some poor families
I would also like to mention that I had a visit to a family with 12 children, almost all children come to the church in the village Valea-Dumiresti, we helped them build an extra room and a bathroom. Through this, God made us a good testimony for whole village.
At the Orphanage, we started the second bible study called “Search Me“.
We continue praying for Mandi & Maggie Cornett, for PIEI Committee, Romania & United States of America and for all who support us spiritually and financially.
Prayer request:
Pray that liver transplant operation to go well and for fast recovery, to be able to work for the glory of our God.
Traian Chilau - PIEI Missionary