August 2018

I am thankful to the Lord that he has accompanied me with His mercy and I can say something from the field of mission. Every time I write this information I think not to give me any merit, but every merit is His.

Two old people from the gypsy village of Rotunda feelt bad at one of our services and called for the ambulance. I visited them every day at the hospital but because they were old, in one week one died and the other week the other died. Their funeral was an occasion to proclaim the gospel because altough the left for hospital with the ambulance (called salvation in Romanian translation) they ended in a coffin. The most important thing is where we will spend eternity. Repentance and personal faith in the Lord's sacrifice Jesus makes the difference between the one and the others.

Another aspect that I am pleased to remember is that the gospel is not spoken only by mouth but also by a deed done in faithfulness, for example in the gypsy village of Valea Dumireşti are many poor families we agreed that once a month we would helped them with a basic food. 13 families are been taken care of (an initiative we took over when Brother Cornel Stef came with the US team and visited this church).

The work from Tigveni's orphanage for me is a great smile and at the same time an encouragement when I see how the Lord Jesus works with the orphans and they are true witnesses where they go or where they are called to work beacause in all places they testify that they are children of God.

In conclusion I would like to thank first of all God the Father and then all who pray for us, who support us both spiritually and financially.

Thank you to PIEI Committee in Romania and the US for all our sponsors.

I would like to conclude with the Proverbs 14: 26-27

Traian Chilau