November 2018

First of all, I thank God that I have received Grace and I can write a brief briefing this month, and this more so that His name is glorified. Whenever I write something, I'm afraid to receive any merit, other than seeing how God works.

Next month there will be 3 and a half years after the transplant, and I would like to thank from all the heart to everyone who was involved (spritual and also financially) to get my medication which I need to do the analyzes, etc. Every day I pray for all, and I do it with great joy, and because you are in my heart.


I was to visit Petria, an 84-year-old brother who did not come to the meeting anymore and what good it is when you listen to the inner voice because there are also relatives who do not know Jesus as Savior. And it is a blessed occasion to tell the gospel there in the village of Ciofringeni we went along with a brother. It’s so good to work in the team as Jesus sent his disciples. I would also like to say briefly that almost every Friday I have a program with the orphanan girls at the church in Tigveni and we are going through the “Masterpiece” course. Even if we are going slow, we do not want to pass quickly, there are many verses and we have we understand it practically.

As a subject of prayer, in Rotunda village I have a brother named Maruntelu Nicolaie who is dependent on an air product appliance, and if there is a portable device who can ease his respiratory probles it would be wonderful. We are praying that GOD will open doors, and in this regard.

I want to greet you with my favorite verse that made very good to my soul: JOSHUA 1:9

With Love in Jesus Christ,
Traian Chilau, PIEI missionary
